


会 期:2002年11月30日(土),12月1日(日)
会 場:大阪大学コンベンションセンター (大阪大学吹田キャンパス内)
大会長:越智 隆弘 大阪大学大学院 医学研究科医工学治療学


  1. 特別講演:
    Computer-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
    Martin Boerner M.D.
  2. パネルディスカッション(指定)
    1. 手術支援ロボット技術の展望
      早稲田大学  藤江正克先生
    2. 脳外科手術における手術ロボットの展望
      東京女子医大  伊関洋先生
    3. 胎児外科手術におけるロボティックス
      国立成育医療センター  千葉敏雄先生
    4. 血管外科手術におけるロボティックス
      東京大学血管外科  宮田哲郎先生
    5. カプセルロボット内視鏡の展望
      株式会社アールエフ  丸山次郎氏
  3. コンピュータ支援画像診断学会との合同シンポジウム(公募,一部指定)
    • Interventional MR guided navigation for thermal ablation procedure
      GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd.  Hasnine Akter Haque PhD
    • 整形領域における,移動型Cアーム装置を使用した術中3D画像の作成と適応
      シーメンス旭メディテック  佐藤俊之先生
    • 超音波計測
      筑波大 電子情報  椎名毅先生
    • サイバーナイフ
      大阪大 集学放射線  井上武宏先生
    • MRI温度計測
      東海大/先端医療センター  黒田輝先生
  4. ランチョンセミナー(予定)
  5. 一般講演


大阪大学大学院医学研究科 医工学治療学
〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2-2
Tel : 06-6879-3862
Fax : 06-6879-3869
e-mail: hisho@caos.med.osaka-u.ac.jp


 Fifth International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MIICAI 2002)が9月25日〜28日の日程で,Honorary Chair 高倉公朋(東京女子医大),General Chair 土肥健純(東京大学),Terry Petres(University of Western Ontario),鳥脇純一郎(名古屋大学)の各先生方のもと,東京大学にて開催されました.

 初日(9月25日)には 3D visualization devices, CAD, Shape and deformable models, Image segmentation and registration, Medical robotics に関連する5件のTutorialsが行われました.

 一般講演では12のシングルトラックのセッションで41件の口頭発表および142件のポスター発表が行われ,Robotics, Validation, Intervention, Brain, Cardiac, Segmentation, Simulation, Registration等幅広い話題に関する最新の研究成果が発表されました.Plenary talkとして,27日には From Images to Virtual Bodies のタイトルで K.H.Hone (The University of Hamburg) 先生が,28日には Image-guided Minimally-invasive Procedures: Current Status and Future Challenges のタイトルで Terry Peters (The University of Western Ontario) 先生が講演を行われました.


 またロビーでは企業展示が行われ,企業の担当者と参加者が最新の機器を前に話こんでいる姿が多く見られました.参加者間の国際交流も26日夜のSoccer Match,27日の東京ドームホテルでのBanquetで盛大に行われました.

 次回のMICCAI2003はCANADAのToronto Ontarioで2003年11月1日〜4日の日程で開催される予定です.2003年3月14日が原稿募集の期限となっています.詳細については,以下のMICCAI 2003 Websiteを参照して下さい.


7th Annual Conference of ISCAS (CARS 2003) お知らせ

 International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS) の第7回大会が,CARS 2003 (Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery) としてイギリスのロンドンにて開催されます.その他,以下の学会も共催されます.


会  期:2003年6月25日 〜27日
会 場:Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster London, UK
Abstract期限: 2003年1月5日
掲載可否の通知: 2003年2月12日
最終原稿期限: 2003年3月15日


- Computer Applications for e.g. Neurosurgery, Head and Neck, Orthopaedics, Ear Nose and Throat, Cardiovascular and Thoracoabdominal Surgery, and Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery


WWW: http://www.cars-int.de/

CARS Conference Office :
Im Gut 15
79790 Kuessaberg, Germany
Tel.: +49-7742-922 434
Fax: +49-7742-922 438
Email: fschweikert@cars-int.de


 Biomedical Engineeringに関連する学会としてEMBS-BMES 2002 が2002年10月23日〜26日米国のヒューストンにて開催されます.本学会は24th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society とAnnual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Societyが 共催されるものです.以下のホームページに詳細なプログラムおよび発表論文のAbstractが掲載されています.

WWW: http://www.embs-bmes2002.org/



 International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering に関連する学会として 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EM-BEC'02) が下記の要項で開催されます.

会 期: 2002年12月4日 〜 12月8日
会 場: Austria Center
    Vienna, Austria
WWW: http://www.embec.org


- Artificial organs
- Gait and motion analysis
- Bioimpedance
- Home care technology
- Bionics
- Image processing
- Biomaterials
- Intelligent instrumentation
- Biomechanics
- Laboratory diagnostic equipment
- Biosensors and transducers
- Lasers in medicine
- Biosignal processing
- Medical imaging
- Biotelemetry
- Medical informatics
- Cardiovascular mechanics
- Medical robotics
- Clinical engineering
- Minimally invasive surgery

Special Sessions:

SS-1: Methods for describing interactions between cortical networks
SS-2: Instrumentation and measurement applied in biomedical engineering
SS-3: Antepartum fetal and maternal monitoring
SS-4: Biomedical image analysis
SS-5: Models in respiration and intensive care
SS-6: Developments in Infrared Thermal Imaging
SS-7: Recent Developments in Robotic-Assisted Gait and Motoric Rehabilitation

また以下のKey Note Lecture, Plenary LecturesとTutorialsが予定されています.

Key Note Lecture:

Plenary Lectures:



Prof. Dr. Helmut Hutten
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
University of Technology
A-8010 Graz (Austria), Inffeldgasse 18
Tel: +43-316-873-7390 Fax: +43-316-46 53 48
E-mail: hutten@ibmt.tu-graz.ac.at
WWW: http://www.embec.org


 核医学,医用画像に関連する学会として 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conferenceが下記の要項で開催されます.

会 期: 2002年11月10日 〜 11月16日
会 場: Norfolk Waterside Marriott and
    Sheraton Waterside Hotels
    Norfolk, Virginia, USA
WWW: http://www.nss-mic.org


- Astrophysics and space instrumentation
- Data acquisition and analysis systems
- Environmental health and safety instrumentation
- Radiation detectors (gas, scintillation, semiconductor)
- High energy and nuclear physics instrumentation
- Nuclear measurements and monitoring techniques
- Nuclear power systems
- Radiation damage effects
- Synchrotron and neutron instrumentation
- Emission tomography instrumentation and techniques (PET and SPECT)
- Nuclear medicine and multimodality imaging geometries and systems
- Analytical and Monte Carlo modeling of medical imaging systems
- Applications of new detector materials and technologies to medical imaging
- Multi-dimensional image reconstruction methods
- Data processing and quantitative image processing methods
- Evaluations of image systems and reconstruction methods
- Intra-operative probes and small imaging systems
- X-ray computed tomography and digital radiography


Joel Karp,
2002 NSS/MIC General Chair
Department of Radiology,
University of Pennsylvania,
Donner Room 110,
3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: +1 215 662-3073
Fax: +1 215 573-3880
E-mail: karp@rad.upenn.edu

EPSM 2002

 The annual Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference (ESPM2002)が下記の要項で開催されます.

会 期: 2002年11月10日 〜 11月14日
会 場: The Rotorua Convention Centre
    Rotorua, New Zealand
WWW: http://www.epsm2002.com


- Integration of PACS/RIS/HIS and the implementation of a filmless and paperless Radiology Department in a major hospital
- Architectural design of a new Radiology Department to optimize workflow in the PACS environment
- The prevention of deterministic effects from radiation dose in interventional radiology
- Paediatric CT - avoiding "frying" our kids
- Reference dose levels - international, national and local roles
- Non-contact electrophysiology mapping - methods, maths, and problems
- Regulatory changes and revised standards for healthcare equipment - implications and application
- Understanding, developing, and managing Integrated Clinical Systems - HL7 and messaging protocols
- Medical technology evaluation - how clinical engineers can be major players instead of being content to play bit parts
- Web-based equipment management systems
- Imaging for radiotherapy physicists
- IMRT for beginners - what you need to know and do when commissioning IMRT in your department for the first time
- Updates to and application of the radio-frequency standards
- The evolving public health problem of ultraviolet exposure


Conference Convenor - EPSM 2002
Isla Nixon
Principal Physicist
Oncology Department, Auckland Hospital
Private Bag 92024
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 3074949 ext 6205
Email: IslaN@adhb.govt.nz

Scientific Committee Chairman - EPSM 2002
Fergus Thomson
Radiology Department, Auckland Hospital
Private Bag 92024
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 3074949 ext 6620
Email: FThomson-EPSM@adhb.govt.nz

SPIE's BiOS 2003 (Photonics WEST)

 画像,光学の医学応用に関する研究の成果が発表されるBiOS 2003 (International Biomedical Optics Symposium) がThe International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) の主催でPhotonics Westの一環として開催されます.その他OPTO 2003,LASE 2003,Micromachining and Microfabricationの各シンポジウムが共催されます.開催要項などを以下に示します.

会 期:2003年1月25日 〜 1月31日
会 場:San Jose McEnery Convention Center,
San Jose, California, USA
WWW: http://www.spie.org/info/pw/


Biomedical Optics
Symposium Chairs:

Warren S. Grundfest, M.D., Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr.
Joseph Lakowicz, Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine/Baltimore

Clinical Treatment and Diagnostics

Program Chair: Reza Malek, M.D., Mayo Founda-tion
  • Cutaneous Applications of Lasers: Dermatology and Plastic Surgery (Bass, Kollias)
  • Lasers and Other Technologies in Urology (Malek)
  • Laser Welding and Soldering of Tissue (Bass, Katzir)
  • Advanced Technology and Instrumentation in Otolaryngology: Lasers, Optics, Radio Frequency, and Related Technology (Shah, Wong)
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery (Trowers, Woodward, de Riese)
  • Innovations in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Minimally Invasive Therapy (Robinson, Reidenbach, Paulsen)
  • Diagnostics and Therapeutic Cardiovascular Interventions XII (Gregory)
  • Lasers in Dentistry IX (Rechmann, Fried, Hennig)
  • Ophthalmic Technologies XIII (Manns, Soederberg, Ho)
  • Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XII (Kessel)
  • Laser and Noncoherent Light Ocular Effects: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment (Stuck, Belkin)
  • Thermal Treatment of Tissue: Energy Delivery and Assessment V (Ryan)

Clinical Technologies and Systems

Program Chair: Tuan Vo-Dinh, Oak Ridge National Lab.
  • Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue V (Chance, Alfano, Tromberg, Tamura, Sevick-Muraca)
  • Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine VII (Tuchin, Izatt, Fujimoto)
  • Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applica-tions III (Gannot)
  • Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems (Vo-Dinh, Grundfest, Benaron, Cohn)
  • Spectral Imaging: Instrumentation, Applications, and Analysis (Levenson, Bearman, Mahadevan-Jansen)

Tissue Engineering/Science

Program Chair: Steven L. Jacques, Oregon Medical Laser Ctr.
  • Biomedical Optoacoustics IV (Oraevsky)
  • Laser Tissue Interaction XIV: Photochemical, Photothermal, Photomechanical (Jacques)
  • Optical Technologies to Solve Problems in Tissue Engineering and Tissue Mechanics (Duncan, Kirk-patrick, Kriete)
  • Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imag-ing
  • Program Chair: Daniel L. Farkas, Carnegie Mellon Univ. and Univ. of Pittsburgh
  • Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells and Tissues (Farkas, Nicolau, Enderlein, Leif)
  • Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences III (Periasamy, So)
  • Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing X (Conchello, Cogswell, Wilson)
  • Optical Diagnostics and Sensing III (Priezzhev, Cote)

Biomeolecular and Cellular Analysis

Program Chair: Frances L. Ligler, Naval Research Lab.
  • Microarrays and Combinatorial Technologies for Biomedical Applications: Design, Fabrication, and Analysis (Nicolau, Raghavachari)
  • Genetically Engineered Probes (Savitsky)
  • Optical Probes for Biomedical Applications (Born-hop, Raghavachari, Achilefu)


その他,ポスターセッション,チュートリアルに相当するShort Course, Workshop, Exhibition等も開催されます.

 2003年1月8日までに登録した場合の大会参加費 (Early Registration Fee) を以下に示します.費用の左右はSPIE or IS&T member / nonmemberを示します.


TEL: +1-360-676-3290
FAX: +1-360-647-1445
E-mail: spie@spie.org


SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2003

 医用画像に関する最新の研究,開発成果の発表されるSPIEユs International Symposium on Medical Imaging が下記の要項で開催されます.

会 期: 2003年2月15日 〜 2月20日
会 場: Town and Country Hotel
    San Diego, California, USA
WWW: http://www.spie.org/info/mi/


Symposium Chairs:
Ken Hanson, Los Alamos National Lab.
Chin-Tu Chen, Univ. of Chicago
Eliot L. Siegel, Univ. of Maryland

Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display Physics of Medical Imaging
Conference Chair: Robert L. Galloway, Vanderbilt Univ.

  • Rendering (Jayaram K. Udupa)
  • Modeling I (Michael I. Miga)
  • Cardiac (Jong Beom Ra)
  • Intraprocedural Imaging I (David R. Haynor)
  • Intraprocedural Imaging II (Wolfgang Birkfellner)
  • Modeling and Hepatic Surgery (Robert L. Gallo-way)
  • Tracking (Kevin R. Cleary)
  • Modeling II (Michael I. Miga)
  • Augment/Virtual Reality (Richard A. Robb)
  • Medical Displays (Hartwig R. Blume)
  • Simulation and Planning (Gilbert B. Devey)

Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and Applications
Conference Chairs: Anne V. Clough, Marquette Univ. and Zablocki VA Medical Ctr.; Amir A. Amini, Washington Univ. Medical Ctr.

  • Physiologic Modeling (Amir A. Amini)
  • Hybrid Imaging (Amir A. Amini)
  • Virtual Endoscopy I: Analytic Techniques (William E. Higgins)
  • Physiologic Imaging (Kyongtae T. Bae)
  • Vascular Imaging and Analysis (Erik L. Ritman)
  • Perfusion (Anne V. Clough)
  • Structural Imaging (Eric A. Hoffman)
  • fMRI (Stephan G. Erberich)
  • Virtual Endoscopy II: CT Colonography (Ronald M. Summers)

Image Processing
Conference Chairs: Milan Sonka, Univ. of Iowa; J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt Univ.

  • CAD I (Maryellen L. Giger)
  • CAD II (Shih-Chung B. Lo)
  • Registration I (J. Michael Fitzpatrick)
  • CAD III (David G. Brown)
  • Cellular Image Analysis (Milan Sonka)
  • Shape/Motion (J. B. Antoine Maintz)
  • Registration II (Benoit M. Dawant)
  • Deformable Geometry (Aaron Fenster)
  • Tissue Image Analysis (Sunanda Mitra)
  • Segmentation I (Jayaram K. Udupa)
  • Pattern Recognition and Database Retrieval (Murray H. Loew)
  • Segmentation II (Tianhu Lei)
  • Tomographic Reconstruction (Jeffrey A. Fessler)
  • Multiresolution/Multispectral Image Processing (Michael A. Unser)

PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation
Conference Chairs: H. K. Huang, Children's Hos-pital of Los Angeles/Univ. of Southern California; Osman M. Ratib, Univ. of California/Los Angeles

  • Special Opening Session: Integrated Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Update (Christopher Carr)
  • PACS Integration (Brent J. Liu, William M. Angus)
  • Special Opening Session: Retrieval from Large Databases (L. Rodney Long)
  • Databases and Teaching Files (Eliot L. Siegel)
  • Teleradiology Technology (Greg T. Mogel)
  • Security and Fault Tolerance (Heinz U. Lemke)
  • PACS and Web-based Workstations (Steven C. Horii)
  • Clinical Applications (David S. Channin)
  • Image Management and Data Mining (Janice C. Honeyman-Buck)

Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment
Conference Chairs: Dev P. Chakraborty, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Health Sciences Ctr./Univ. of Arizona

  • Perception and Softcopy Displays (Dev P. Chak-raborty)
  • Technology and Observer Performance (Elizabeth A. Krupinski)
  • Observer Models I: Clinical Applications (Miguel P. Eckstein)
  • Observer Models II (Craig K. Abbey)
  • Technology and Image Quality Assessment (David Manning)
  • Statistics and Methodology (Yulei Jiang)
  • Image Interpretation (Alan H. Baydush)
  • Observer Models III (Brandon D. Gallas)

Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing
Conference Chairs: William F. Walker, Univ. of Virginia; Michael F. Insana, Univ. of Califor-nia/Davis

  • Advanced Image Formation in Optics and Ultrasound (Michael F. Insana)
  • Ultrasound Computer Tomography (Martin E. Anderson)
  • Ultrasound Transducers (David H. R. Vilkomerson)
  • Tissue Characterization and Image Processing (Gregg E. Trahey)
  • 3D Imaging (John A. Hossack)
  • Elasticity Imaging (William F. Walker)
  • Blood Flow Estimation (Stanislav Emelianov)
  • Image Acquisition (Keith A. Wear)

 ポスターセッション,Short Course, Workshop, Exhibition等も開催されます.

 2003年2月7日までに登録した場合の大会参加費 (Early Registration Fee) を以下に示します.費用の左右はSPIE member / nonmemberを示します.


P.O. Box 10, Bellingham,
WA 98227-0010 USA
TEL: +1-360-676-3290
FAX: +1-360-647-1445
E-mail: spie@spie.org








 CAS Newsletter では,皆様からの投稿やお知らせを募集しています.研究紹介や関連学会参加報告など奮ってご応募下さい.


CAS Newsletter  No.23 
編集:  日本コンピュータ外科学会 広報部会
          (職業能力開発総合大学校 花房,東京電機大学 正宗)
学会事務局:〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷 7-3-1	
      東京大学 工学部 精密機械工学科 
WWW: http://www.jscas.org/
Tel: 03-5841-7480 
Fax: 03-5841-6481